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Bachelor Of Ayurvedic Medicine And Surgery.(BAMS) |
1000000 /- |
Affiliated to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur Vice Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) ABHIMANYU KUMAR, Contact Number 0291-2795311 Registrar Arun Kumar Purohit, Contact Number 0291-2795311
B.M. Education trust was established in the year 2009 with the view to serve the community in the field of education and health to a great extent with its founder DR. O.P Sharma .In the year 2004 the trust started Ayurved nursing college pursuing diploma in ayurved nurse and pharmacy(DAN&P) but the inspiration was beyond this venture .In the year 2009 the management decided to establish an Ayurved Medical College and Hospital and the dream came true with the name Shekhawati Ayurved College and by the grace of god its name flourished in the state among the different ayurvedic colleges with the result of the students who topped in the university for three consecutive years.
The college campus is spreaded over in an area of about 5.11 acres. There is a double storey building having about 7500 covered area. The best facilities have been provided in the class rooms ,common rooms and play grounds. The laboratories are well equipped with all modern equipments .Our library is also well stocked with a collection of about 12000 books, journals, magazines etc. With seating capacity of 60 students. A well managed Herbal Garden is maintained where about 260 species of plants are available for the purpose of study as well as preparations. The Department concerned also encourage the students for plantation of species of medical importance every year.
The Hospital building is also well maintained within the college campus. It is a triple storey building with the capacity of 100 beds including Pathology Laboratory, Physiotherapy Center, Panchkarma Center separate male & female along with other necessary facilities. The institute also possess a satellite hospital in the city , at Bhagat Singh Circle where both morning and evening OPD&lsquot;s are available for the welfare of the patients
Shekhawati Ayurved Medical College & Hospital t is providing its service in the field of Ayurveda, is one of the premier institute imparting quality education and Training in the field of Ayurveda. The college is having excellent, high qualified staff with sufficient experience and enormous infrastructure and equipment for the academic and personality development of the student. The college is situated at the beautiful landscape having all modern facilities of Library, Reading Room, Laboratory and Hostel both for boys and girls, Herbal Garden, Dissection Hall, Museum, Hostel, Canteen etc. .
College hospital is a 50+ bedded and situated within the premises of the college.
In OPD more than 120 patients are treated everyday.
IPD facility
IPD facility is also available round the clock and Specialist doctors Paramedical staff is available to take care of the patients in IPD.
The global scenario in the health field is changing drastically. Ayurveda is being recognized as a most dependable medical system and more people are turning towards Ayurveda both for preventive and curative modes of treatment. Institutions providing Ayurvedic education and treatment facilities are being established in and around India to meet the increasing demand.
That system of medicine is called Ayurveda, the Science of life, where wholesome, unwholesome, happy and unhappy life are described along with the things which cause happy or unhappy life as well as the parameters to assess these four types of life spans.
AYU means life span.
VEDA means knowledge.
AYURVEDA means knowledge of life.
Ayurveda is a science of life and not a mere therapy. Ayu means life and veda means knowledge. It is said that the Lord Brahma himself transferred his knowledge of life to the sages many thousands years back. Ayurveda, thus is considered as a divine science and is a upaveda of Atharvaveda. The science was then taught to groups of sages, discussed in seminars, subjected to tests and experiments and transferred to knowledge seekers over the years during different periods like vedic period, puranic period, pre independence and post-independence.
"Ayurvedam upavedam atharvana"
There are 4 VEDAS :Rugvedam, Yajurvedam, Samavedam and Atharvavedam.
To be a center of excellence for erudition of Ayurveda, and to sculpture skillful and knowledgeable physicians and to achieve holistic health in the community.
To achieve holistic health locally, nationally and globally.
We do this through unique educational pattern to produce the leading Ayurveda physicians and scientists of future and unraveling the ancient knowledge through research to empower the entire Ayurveda fraternity.
Shekhawati Ayurved Medical College & Hospital,Pilani
Ayurveda was evolved and projected for the relief of the human from various miseries. Protecting the health of the healthy person and curing the disease of the sick, these two are the main two purposes of this science. Equal emphasis has been laid upon preventing the diseases as well as curing it.
All ancient original texts are in Sanskrit. The major compendia are Charaka Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Ashtangasamgraha and Astanga Hridaya. Others include Yogaratnakara, Madhavanidana, Sharangadara Samhita Bhavaprakasha.
Concept of health
Man according to Ayurveda is not a just physical body. His very existence is based on three prime factors called satvam(mind), Atma(soul) and the Sareeram( body). Health is defined as a state of balanced doshas (humours), healthy agni(digestive fire), a good state of tissues and their metabolic end products in the presence of blissful state of the senses, mind and spirit.
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